Thursday, October 5, 2017

Different Days by Vicki Erwin - ADVISABLE

Erwin, Vicki Berger Different Days, 28 pages. Sky Pony Press, 2017.  $18.  Content: G.

Rosie and her family have lived on Oahu for more than a generation.  But when Pearl Harbor is bombed, its not only Japanese citizens who are rounded up – so are citizens of German descent.  Rosie’s mother and father are taken away without explanation, leaving Rosie to take care of her little brother alone.  Their Aunt Etta helps for a little while, but even she is taken by government officials.  While their other aunt takes them in, she doesn’t want any of her friends to know they are related.  And the man who seems to be in charge of their parents’ property and finances is definitely up to something fishy.  Even if her parents return, will there be anything for them to come back to?

I think most people know about Japanese Americans being sent to internment camps, but some 11,000 German Americans were also interned.  Based on the life of Doris Nye, who lived on Oahu.  It is nice to see more of these hidden stories coming to light.

EL, MS – ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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