Thursday, July 6, 2017

Not This Turkey by Jessica Steinberg -- OPTIONAL

Steinberg, Jessica Not This Turkey!, illustrated by Amanda Pike. PICTURE BOOK. Albert Whitman, 2016. $16.95. Content: G.

A newly-immigrated Jewish family wins a turkey in a raffle, but the turkey turns out to be nothing but trouble. Will they have the heart to eat it for Thanksgiving, or will they return to their traditional stuffed cabbage and noodle kugel?

Holiday books are a welcome addition to our school catalogue, but I can't see this one being quite as popular as many on the Thanksgiving theme. It feels overly long and wordy. It does, however, have a nice historical feel to it for classes that may wish to discuss various Thanksgiving traditions.

EL (K-3) -- OPTIONAL. Reviewed by Sydney G., K-6 Library Media Specialist

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